Optimisation of Radiological Protection in Digital Radiology Techniques for Medical Imaging

Draft document: Optimisation of Radiological Protection in Digital Radiology Techniques for Medical Imaging
Submitted by Mrs Sharan Packer, Society for Radiological Protection
Commenting on behalf of the organisation

Society for Radiological Protection (SRP) Comments on ICRP TG108 draft report :-Optimisation of Radiological Protection in Digital Radiology Techniques for Medical Imaging

SRP welcomes the opportunity to comment on this draft publication. The comments are the collated views of SRP members/committees.

It is noted that the term patient is used within the document but is not defined either in the documents glossary or in the ICRP Glossary.

In the context of this publication the term patient should also cover volunteers receiving exposures for medical research and persons undergoing medico-legal exposures and this needs to be explained somewhere within the document e.g.the Glossary.

There are some inconsistencies in terminology used particularly in relation to the descriptions of healthcare personnel involved in radiological imaging and optimisation. Some but not all of these have been highlighted in the comments. It is suggested that wherever possible generic role descriptors should be used and specific titles such as radiologist, radiographer etc avoided.

Comments on the document are given in the uploaded comments form.

Sharan Packer, CRadP, FSRP
Chair SRP Medical Sector Committee.
27 October 2022

